We appreciate the importance of delivering your special bouquet on that special day. Blush’n Blossoms will make every effort to deliver your bouquet in a timely manner.
A local delivery fee of $10.00 will be added to each order, per address.
We will do our best to accommodate deliveries at specific times of day, but it cannot be guaranteed.
Substitution Policy
Occasionally, substitutions may be necessary to create your bouquet due to the availability of certain flowers. Where substitutions are made, blooms of similar or higher quality will be used.
Cancellation Policy
Each bouquet is made to order. As such, we are unable to cancel your order once it has been placed. Unfortunately, no refunds can be given.
Workshops and Flower Social
Payment must be made upon reservation of the workshop. We appreciate the value of a hard-earned dollar and because of that we offer the following cancellation policy.
Cancellation of workshop at least two weeks prior to event, %50 of payment refunded.
Cancellation of workshop less than two weeks prior to event, %25 of payment refunded.
We make every effort to ensure that you receive excellent service. If, at any time, you experience problems with an order or have questions regarding these policies, please contact us. Thank you!